Our process of sourcing Carers, Childminders and Housekeepers

Flexible approach, stable results

We make it very easy for you to select, shortlist, message and hire experienced self-employed Carers, Childminders and Housekeepers. Use our search filters to find the ideal service provider whether you require someone who speaks a foreign language, drives or has complimentary hobbies or specialist skills

How can we help you?

Trust our providers through our diligent process

  • ✓ Reference Check: We confirm the suitability and effectiveness of the provider through previous employer.
  • ✓ Interview Process: We do interview for every new provider to access their level of skills, experience and reliability.
  • ✓ Enhanced DBS Check : All Cares, Childminders and Housekeepers undergo full background check to guarantee trust and safety of your loved one.
  • ✓ Identity Verification with facial recognition and document checks: We use facial recognition and document verification software to carry out identity checks on all providers.

How it works

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Sign up

Create an account to get started.

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Post a job, review profiles, then message candidates who fit your needs.

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Chose the provider

Conduct Interviews, check references, and hire the one that works for you.

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Chat with provider

discuss with provider what you want them to do.

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Payment, Insurance and further verification

Payment, insurance and other checks is done by Admin.


  • What service does Jimacare provide?

    Jimacare is an introductory serviceas defined by CQC.We are here to provide platform that helps client and Service providers to find each other, provide secure means of managing payment and helps to build trust for future engagement.
  • What's the cost of hiring Carer, Childminder or Housekeeper on Jimacare Platform?

    Carer, Childminder and Housekeeper sets their own rates. Rates can be negotiated with carers based on the job preference and number of hours.
  • Can you advertise for me and whats the cost?

    We can advertise your needs to Carers, Childminders and Housekeepers on the platform at no cost.
  • Who can see my client profile?

    Only the Admin team.
  • Are checks carried out on the Carers, Childminders and Housekeepers?

    All the Carers, Childmindersand Housekeepers undergo criminal record checks and are interviewed. Carers, Childminders and Housekeepers have legal right to work in United Kingdom and are tax compliant.
  • Who makes choice of Carer, Childminders and Housekeeper for client?

    Client makes choice.
  • How does insurance for Carer work?

    Self-employed Carer making transaction through Jimacare platform will be covered by self-employed insurance policy. Childminders and Housekeepers provide their own insurance.

What our
clients say

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Lone Working

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Person-Centred Care